The sole purpose of me joining Celebrity Fitness is for it's Capoeira Class. I have searched high & low and there are no other gym in Malaysia who actually offers Capoeira. For those of you who don't know, Capoeira in short is a Brasilian combination of dance & martial arts. It is a mixture of live musical instrumentation and voice, body and soul, rythmic and grounded movements (dancing & fighting), and intellectual exercise of strategy (using cleverness and suprise). OK that's a bit complicated, we just leave it @Brasilian combination of dance & martial arts then :) Hehe.
Apparently he has appeared in numerous Fitness and Exercise TV Programs, Health Magazines, Fitness Magazines, Exercises Magazines, Commercial Banners, Fitness and Exercise Books, Commercial Magazines and Books; and hold lots and lots of titles:
Asia Pacific
Asia-Pacific Ironman International 2006/2007
Mr. Physique Ironman 2006/2007
Asia-Pacific International FitnessMan Champion 2005/2006
National FitnessMan Champion 2004/2005
National Hottest Hunks 2004/2005
Mr. Fitness 2003/2004/2005
Mr. Physique 2003/2004/2005
Mr. Hospitality 2004/2005
Capoeira Fitness Champion 2002/2003/2004
Junior Formado Capoeira Tournament Champion 2001/2002
Junior Body Building 1999/2000
World Tours
Capoeira Fitness Workshop Brazil, London, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan
Yoga Wellness & Fitness WorkshopMalaysia, Thailand, India, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan
World Fitness & Capoeira CampBrazil, London, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Italy, Hungary, Taiwan, Spain, Thailand, Indonesia, United State
Fitness Convention Malaysia, Australia, London, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil
Fitness FestivalSpain, Brazil, Italy, London, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia
Junior Capoeira Champion 1999/2000 , Junior Capoeira Fitness 1999/2000
Harry's Associates
Presenter of International Fitness Federation, Hungary
Presenter of World Fitness Federation, USA
Associate of World Capoeira Brasileira, Brazil
Associate of Grupo Capoeira Brasil, USA
Associate of International Power Yoga, USA
Associate of Yoga Alliance, USA
Associate of Ashtanga Yoga School, India
For more information on Harry and his specialization, or you need tips on how to achieve and maintain a great body, or any other fitness / health advise; please visit Harry's website Harry Fitness.
Am I promoting the Capoeira Class or Harry now? Haha. Anyway, to me the credibility of an instructor is an important criteria for there's no use of having a pretty face for an instructor BUT he's teaching crap or can bore us to death :P Well, maybe they won't teach us crap coz I'm sure the a reputable fitness such as Celebrity Fitness will do a background check on their instructors before employing thhem, but believe me I met a few who actually bore the hell out of me. Hehe.
Here are some of our Capoeira gang in Celebrity Fitness Subang Parade